Attending Corporate Events: 8 Tips to Network Effectively

Attending a corporate event soon? Whether it’s a seminar, trade show, or conference, it’s guaranteed that you will learn something from the speakers and guests. In addition, another thing that’s constant in corporate events is the networking part. No matter what your position or designation is, networking with fellow professionals allows you to improve your knowledge and increase opportunities. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to network effectively when attending corporate events.

1. Understand the Event and Set Goals

What is the event about? Who are the attendees? These are some of the questions that you should know about before attending corporate events. As an attendee, your career and skills should align with the objective of the event, otherwise, you might be wasting your time listening to things you won’t be able to use ever. Once you know the theme or topic of the corporate event, the next step is to set your goals. What do you expect after attending the event? Are you planning to look for another job? Are you trying to find partners, clients, and investors for your new business idea? Setting your goals beforehand can help you make the most out of attending the event.

2. Update Your Documents

Once your goals are set, update your professional documents based on these goals. Usually, you need to prepare documents, such as business cards, Curriculum Vitae, resumes, and business proposals. Without these documents, it can be difficult to network and introduce yourself to other professionals. Besides, with the number of attendees at corporate events, a person may not remember all the everyone they interact with. Fortunately, with the help of your business card or resume, they can have ways to contact you.

3. Dress Appropriately

The dress code usually depends on the type of corporate event. So, once you receive the invitation or read the online post, make sure you have the right clothes to wear. Besides, one of the things that can help you network effectively is when you follow the dress code. On the other hand, if you decide to go completely different with the required attire, there’s a possibility that you’re not allowed to enter the venue. And if they happen to allow you to participate, some attendees might not welcome you to network since they may think that you’re either not serious about doing business with them or you lack attention to detail.

4. Bring the Essentials

As mentioned, don’t forget to bring your business cards, resume, and proposals. But aside from the hard copies, try to create a QR code of the softcopies, since not everyone appreciates wasting natural resources. Additionally, aside from the updated documents, you should also carry a pen, notebook or notepad, and electronic devices like your phone or power bank, so that you’re ready whether the corporate event management prefers digital or the traditional way of taking notes.

5. Prepare Your Pitch

Prepare a short introduction and proceed with your pitch. Since everyone’s goal is to network with as many professionals as possible, you may only have a few minutes of chance to talk to your target individuals. Aside from the timed pitch, it should also be memorable that with the number of people present in the event, yours is something that isn’t easy to forget. Try to incorporate something that these professionals can relate with, and use it to get their attention. Once the conversation starts, you should handle it without losing the topic you want to lead the conversation to.

6. Create a Strategy

Before you start pitching, how do you think you can approach the attendees? Do you have a specific way to initiate a conversation? Crafting a networking strategy is another thing you should prepare before attending any corporate event. Unfortunately, even if you have the best pitch among the crowd, it’s not going to work if you don’t know how to appropriate people.

7. Stay Updated

As the event approaches, stay updated on the current changes in the venue, list of speakers, and schedule. If you’re well-informed about these changes, it’s easier to make changes to your plans. Additionally, if you’re looking forward to the event, you should be flexible enough in terms of the changes made. Meanwhile, if you’re having some trouble receiving emails and updates, contact the corporate event management to clarify things ahead of time.

8. Follow-Up

The networking doesn’t end when the event does. Once you’ve spoken to your target individuals, you need to follow up on the conversation afterwards. If you agree on something, try to email or contact them again to confirm the details. And even if you didn’t have anything planned, keeping the initial connection is crucial to maintaining a long-term network. Thus, when it’s time to use the connection you’ve made, you can easily contact them using the information they’ve provided.

Final Thoughts

Attending corporate events is vital in terms of building your skills, career, or business. With the right goal in mind and a well-structured approach, you can have a productive experience in attending any corporate event.  


Aliana Baraquio is a content writer for Pink Caviar Events Sydney, a full-service event management and decorative hire company located in Sydney. When she’s not typing out blog posts, you can find her watching anime series or baking cupcakes.

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