Victor Davis Hanson: America’s Exceptional Role in the World


Voordracht in het kader van een symposium (half oktober, zie ook onder) over het exceptionalisme (de USA als speciaal aangewezen land om de wereld voor te gaan) en de gevaren en consequenties. Amerika’s speciale rol in de wereld aan de orde gesteld.

The United States’ unique position in the international order is not preordained. Instead, according to Victor Davis Hanson, it is the result of unique demographic, economic, political, and educational characteristics. As these strengths diminish, so too does our status as a world power. To reverse this trend, we must restore our confidence in the exceptionalism of American institutions.

Duur: 26:44

Each of Hoover’s biannual retreats features numerous talks by fellows on recent research and current events, connecting the institution’s supporters with the initiatives and scholarship made possible by their partnership.

For the 2016 Fall Retreat, which took place during October 16–18, the talks were for the first time organized around a single theme: American exceptionalism. The resulting agenda developed by Hoover fellows offered an in-depth exploration of our exceptional qualities as a nation and what these characteristics tell us about our past and our future.

We’ve adapted five of the featured talks as podcasts for our friends and contributors to listen to or share with others. We hope you enjoy them and thank you for supporting the scholarship underlying these insightful discussions.

1 reactie

  1. Cool Pete schreef:

    Vraag grote aantallen mensen, op alle continenten van de wereld,
    waar ze het liefst willen wonen.
    Een overgrote meerderheid zal zeggen: de Verenigde Staten van Amerika.

    Vrijheid, democratie, rechtvaardige wetten en Grondwet, vooruitgang, onderwijs,
    kunsten t/m goede muziek.

    All right.