Moral markets? Markten, ecologie en economische wetmatigheden

Moral markets

Zijn moral markets de toekomst van het kapitalisme? Een gesprek tussen internationaal bekende economen daarover.

Duur: 1 uur 2:14 min.

Publicatie 13 maart

On environmental pressure and economic solutions to it; with Julia Steinberger & Ann Pettifor. Find out more on Moral markets:

We are facing an environmental crisis. Water pollution, air quality and soil fertility are just some of the environmental pressures on today’s world. To what extent is this crisis related to the current economic system we live by? To preserve and repair our natural environment, it seems various economic measures could be taken. Which ones could European governments, and perhaps the EU, take? How can markets be designed in such a way that they take into account the planet’s boundaries? Should firms start with pricing environmental damage in production processes? Or should governments introduce a tax on pollution? What is the role of consumers and civil society in this process? These questions – and more – will be discussed with economists Ann Pettifor and Julia Steinberger.