Charles Hugh Smith – gratis educatie onder grote druk

Wordt vervolgd, gratis educatie

Charles Hugh Smith laat zien dat het huidige systeem van gratis educatie voor iedereen onhoudbaar is. Dat denkbeeld heeft enorme maatschappelijke consequenties, en gaat die ook krijgen.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) komt ook langs, maar dat is per saldo niet wat u graag hebben wilt. Lees en huiver.

We could call this one “The education episode”, as we spent a lot of time talking about that. How teachers occupy an exalted position in the social strata from which they exert the kind of moral gravitas around which movements, rebellions or general strikes can form.

Alongside that, upper middle class types are exhibiting that spontaneous order we think characterizes decentralized initiatives and hiring tutors to run informal group classes. The lower layers of the socio-economic classes don’t have that luxury, so there’s another fracture along which inequality manifests.

Charles has spent a lot of time thinking about the end of formal education and described a lot of it in his 2013 book The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy: The Revolution in Higher Education

(I already regret the way I phrased the dichotomy I face around education and my daughter, in retrospect I could have articulated that far better, i.e. the tension between reinforcing a healthy respect for gearing up for university, while somehow preparing her for the reality of the new job outlook and the extinction of traditional career paths.)

We also talked about Universal Basic Income, which seems to be in the early innings of having arrived, but surely it will come with strings attached: eventually there will be expiry dates on funds and probably a prohibition against savings.

UBI will devolve into being a kind of “company scrip” that the lower classes get paid with for perpetuating (through consumption) The Company Store (see my Jackpot Chronicles #3: The Great Bifurcation).

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Duur: 58:16

Publicatie 24 juli