Sushi Dépanneur: A Culinary Haven for Sushi and Asian Products on Plateau Mont-Royal


In the heart of Plateau Mont-Royal in Montréal, there lies a sushi sanctuary known as Sushi Dépanneur. Renowned for its vast array of fresh sushi selections, this establishment has become a go-to destination for those seeking authentic Japanese cuisine and the convenience of Asian products for home cooking.

About Sushi Dépanneur

Sushi Dépanneur is more than just a sushi bar; it’s a full-fledged experience where gastronomy and culture intertwine. With an array of sushi varieties including Nigiri, Sashimi, Hosomakis, Maki, and Futomakis, the menu caters to all palates and preferences. Each dish is carefully prepared with a focus on freshness and flavor, ensuring that your dining experience is as authentic as it is delightful.

The Health Benefits of Sushi

Sushi is not only a treat for the taste buds but also offers various health benefits. The vinegared rice, or shari, is rich in essential nutrients like phosphorus, starch, and vitamin B1. These components are vital for maintaining bodily functions and providing energy. The fish, often a central element in sushi, is packed with high-quality proteins with less fat than meat, making it a healthier alternative. Furthermore, fish is a significant source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart rhythm disorders. The nori seaweed, a staple in many sushi dishes, is low in calories yet high in proteins and minerals such as iodine, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It also boasts a high fiber content.

How to Eat Sushi

Sushi Dépanneur encourages patrons to immerse themselves fully in the sushi dining experience by understanding the proper way to enjoy it. They recommend educational videos like “Le sushi – La Très Très Bonne Leçon” and “How to Eat Sushi: You’ve Been Doing it Wrong” to help customers appreciate the traditional etiquette and techniques of sushi consumption.

Sushi Dépanneur’s Operating Hours

The doors of Sushi Dépanneur open from Tuesday to Sunday, with operational hours designed to cater to both lunch and dinner crowds:

  • Tuesday to Friday: 11 am to 3 pm / 4 pm to 9 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 11 am to 3 pm / 4 pm to 9 pm
  • Monday: Closed

The Menu

A visit to Sushi Dépanneur is incomplete without exploring their extensive menu. Available for download in PDF format, the menu includes a variety of fresh sushi options and appetizers such as Miso Soup, Wakame Salad, Tempura, and Edamame. The menu also features innovative sushi pizzas and a selection of spring rolls with various fillings.

Fresh Nigiri/Sashimi and Hosomakis

The Nigiri and Sashimi options are vast, featuring the likes of tuna, mackerel, fresh and smoked salmon, tilapia, shrimp, and more. For those who prefer smaller rolls, Hosomakis are available with fillings including fresh salmon, smoked salmon, and shrimp.

Maki Selections

The Maki rolls are a medium-sized delight, with offerings such as the classic California roll, spicy salmon, spicy tuna, BBQ eel, shrimp tempura, and the New York roll among others.


Sushi Dépanneur stands as a culinary beacon on Plateau Mont-Royal, bringing the essence of Japanese cuisine to Montréal. It offers an array of fresh, high-quality sushi and an assortment of Asian products for those inspired to cook at home. Whether you’re a sushi novice or a connoisseur, Sushi Dépanneur promises an authentic and health-conscious dining experience that’s bound to leave you eager for your next visit.

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