Explore Owensville’s Hidden Gems with a Stay at the Owensville Motor Inn


The Owensville Motor Inn in owensvillemotorinn Owensville, Missouri, is a budget-friendly hotel offering a uniform room rate of $69.95 across various booking platforms, including Booking.com, Expedia.com, and Hotels.com. Guests can also avail the same rate through the inn’s ‘Book-It Direct Special.’

The Inn’s website features an easy-to-navigate menu that provides visitors with information on the inn’s amenities, room options, local attractions, a photo gallery, contact details, and directions. Owensville is portrayed as an undiscovered tourist destination that might surprise visitors with its beauty and unique offerings. Though not as well-known as other US cities, it is deemed worthy of a visit and can leave visitors with a lasting impression, prompting a desire to return.

Owensville boasts a vibrant business and industrial sector, an excellent education system, numerous churches of various denominations, and a range of organizations for people of all ages. The community spirit is evident through local fairs and festivals. The town is characterized by its rural charm enhanced by surrounding hills, woods, and the proximity to two beautiful lakes.

The Owensville Motor Inn is conveniently located near attractions such as Krooked Moon Distillery, Winter Water Park, and White Mule Winery and Bed & Breakfast. It invites guests to explore its comfortable rooms and hotel amenities online. The website also emphasizes the inn’s commitment to health and safety by detailing their COVID-19 sanitation procedures.

For ease of access and planning, the website provides the inn’s address (1302 Hwy 28, Owensville, MO 65066, US), phone number (+1-573-437-2161), and an option to book directly. The Owensville Motor Inn is presented as an ideal place to stay for those looking to explore, relax, and enjoy the quaint charm of Owensville, Missouri.

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