Surprising priorities for Europe and China

Iran, Staat van de economie, drugssmokkel
Iran, Staat van de economie, drugssmokkel

Hoe denkt men binnen leidende Europese denktanks over de relatie met China? Een verhelderend gesprek tussen twee onderzoekers. Een gesprek tussen twee vertegenwoordigers van de uitersten van het EU-spectrum.

Bruegel’s Alicia García-Herrero and Robin Niblett of Chatham House discuss a new joint report on EU-China relations. How easy was it to find common ground with Chinese partners? And what should be the priorities for economic cooperation between those two blocks?

In this episode of The Sound of Economics, we host a conversation between Alicia García-Herrero and Robin Niblett. Our guests talk about a new joint report, EU–Chinese Economic Relations to 2025. Building a Common Future, produced by four leading institutes in Europe and China.

They discuss the process of finding common ground between the authors, and draw out some of the most interesting findings. It turns out that the most obvious sphere for EU-Chinese economic cooperation, trade and investment, might be the most difficult. So what could be the next step for those two blocks?

Alicia García-Herrero, Senior Scholar, Bruegel

Robin Niblett, Director, Chatham House

Dit gesprek is afkomstig van de website van het Bruegel instituut, dat u op Twitter terug kunt vinden als @Bruegel_org

Duur: 9:42

Publicatie 13 september

1 reactie

  1. Cool Pete schreef:

    Vragen economen zich wel eens af, hoe, politiek en militair, de Chinese kommunistische
    diktatuur in elkaar zit ?