EU denktank Bruegel – Restarting the economy?

EU denktank Bruegel, Corona, Brexit

Bij EU denktank Bruegel kijkt men naar de ‘herstart van de economie’ na Corona. Herkenbaar een onderwerp waarvoor Brussel graag alle krediet naar zich toe wil harken.

While the end of the pandemic is still far, the economy will have to restart.

When COVID-19 struck last spring, European governments rapidly implemented measures to keep businesses afloat. Did those policies support productive firms that bolster the economy? Or, did the policies merely enable the survival of “zombie” firms that ought to have gone bankrupt?

One year into the pandemic, Bruegel Deputy Director Maria Demertzis speaks with professors Steffen Müller, Filippo di Mauro, and Carlo Altomonte about whether or not fiscal policy has been successful throughout the pandemic, and how governments can deftly adapt their measures to revitalize their economies as more people across Europe receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

Relevant event:
The impact of COVID-19 on productivity: preliminary firm evidence with Carlo Altomonte, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Maria Demertzis, Filippo di Mauro and Steffen Müller.

Duur: 47:15 min.

Publicatie 30 juni

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1 reactie

  1. Cool Pete schreef:

    “EU”-‘denk tank’.

    Who then, destroyed the economy ?