EU denktank Bruegel – de exploderende gasprijzen
Bij EU denktank Bruegel gaat het deze week over de exploderende gas- en benzineprijzen, en hoe dat er de komende maanden verder aan toe zal gaan.
Why the sudden spike in European electricity and gas prices?
Wholesale gas prices have reached record highs in the past months, leaving EU governments scrambling for emergency aid to help households cope with their rising bills. However, this is not only about energy: though its origins might be environmental, there are diplomatic, social and economic consequences for governments and citizens. And less than two months after the EU’s bold ‘Fit-for-55’ climate initiative, a gas crisis is threatening the EU’s green agenda.
Publicatie 23 september
Recommended readings:
Tagliapietra, S. and G. Zachmann (2021) ‘Rethinking the security of the European Union’s gas supply’, Policy Contribution 2016, Bruegel
Tagliapietra, S. and G. Zachmann (2021) ‘Is Europe’s gas and electricity price surge a one-off?’, Bruegel Blog, 13 September
Een gesubsidieerde “EU”-denk tank gaat zich buigen over de gas- en benzine-prijzen,
die bepaald worden door “EU”-beleid.
Dat gaat de zaken oplossen.