Corona – Economie en Covid-19, gratis E-book


De paniek over het Corona-virus heeft ook de rangen van economen bereikt. Buitengewone tijden, buitengewone reacties, inderdaad.

Het Corona-virus maakt veel los. Meer nog dan de internationale vervoersverbindingen zijn de communicatieverbindingen debet aan de groeiende paniek die overheden maar moeilijk zullen kunnen vermijden.

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary efforts
A video interview recorded with Richard Baldwin and Beatrice Weder di Mauro to mark the publication of the CEPR / VoxEU ‘instant’ eBook, Economics in the Time of Covid-19.  Tim Phillips discusses the themes of the book and the economic challenges ahead

Duur: 38:40

Publicatie 6 maart

Professor of International Economics at The Graduate Institute, Geneva; Founder & Editor-in-Chief of; exPresident of CEPR


Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute of Geneva; Distinguished Fellow, INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, Singapore; President, CEPR


Richard Baldwin and Beatrice Weder di Mauro (Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR) talk to Tim Phillips about the central themes of the new CEPR ‘instant’ eBook, addressing key economic questions around the spread of Covid-19. How, and how far and fast, will the economic damage spread? How bad will it get? How long will the damage last? What are the mechanisms of economic contagion? And, above all, what can governments do about it? Download the eBook here.

Meer over het Corona-virus en haar economische gevolgen vindt u hier op Veren of Lood.