Corona, Bagus en politiek gemotiveerde massahysterie
We wat dieper kijkt naar wat er rond de Corona-pandemie gebeurt, constateert een kunstmatige politiek gemotiveerde massahysterie.
Normally we discuss books on The Human Action Podcast, but this new academic paper by Professor Philipp Bagus is too important to ignore. “COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria“ is the one journal article you need to read this year. In only about ten pages it makes the devastating case that perverse political incentives—along with a nexus of state-connected media and scientists—combine to create and amplify “public health” hysteria. Echoing Hoppe and public choice theory, Bagus explains how politicians enjoy asymmetric rewards for exaggerating risks and creating fear. The result is gross policy errors we will all pay for over many decades.
Publicatie 26 februari
Meer feiten en opinies over vaccineren tegen Corona vindt u hier. Het Corona-virus (Covid-19), de wijze van aanpak van Corona en haar sociale en economische gevolgen vindt u hier.