Euro-area governance: Where next?

eurozone, euro

Wat zou voor het euro-gebied de volgende stap moeten of kunnen zijn? De EU denkt dat men de crisis van afgelopen jaren te boven gekomen is, en begint met de Bankenunie een voortzetting richting het federalistisch ideaal te implementeren. Nu worden de pijlen gericht op het komende EU-budget en het creëren van en betere beeld van de EU bij de bevolking van de EU.

Onderstaande podcast werd geproduceerd door de Brusselse denktank Bruegel.

Duur: 9:03

Publicatie 1 maart

Begeleidende tekst:

Bruegel deputy director Maria Demertzis hosts this episode of ‘The Sound of Economics’, with Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs correspondent at the Financial Times, and Manfred Weber, chair of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, joining Bruegel director Guntram Wolff for a discussion of the future of euro-area governance.

What comes next for the euro area? Europe has emerged from crisis, and progress has been made with banking union; but more can be done to reform the EU budget and improve the public perception not only of EU money but of the Union itself.

Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs correspondent at the Financial Times, and Manfred Weber, chair of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, discuss their thoughts on current state and future direction of the euro area alongside Bruegel director Guntram Wolff.

Guntram Wolff, Gideon Rachman and Manfred Weber enjoyed a lengthier debate on this same topic at the third Bruegel-Financial Times Forum earlier this week.