Human Action Podcast – over de FED en geld

Human Action Podcast, Mensenrechten
Human Action Podcast, Mensenrechten

In de Human Action Podcast vandaag bespreken Mark Thornton en Jeff Deist het laatste werk van Murray Rothbard over centrale banken.

Dr. Mark Thornton joins the show to discuss what might just be Murray Rothbard’s best book on money and banking: The Case Against the Fed. Written not long before his untimely death, this work is nothing less than a master class on the history of money: the sordid players and interests behind the creation of the Federal Reserve bank; the workings of demand deposits and fractional reserve, inflationism, and the monetary mechanics behind it all. The final pages of the short and penetrating book are especially fascinating, as Rothbard lays out a process for unwinding the Fed and paying off its liabilities using the federal government physical gold holding. End the Fed starts with understanding the Fed, and this book is vital for any lay reader.

Duur: 45:49 min.

Publicatie 5 februari

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