Wolfstreet report – Stock Market Is Coming Unglued Stock by Stock

Wolfstreet report,Het Wolfstreet report van deze week behandelt het effect van de Everything Bubble. EenWolfstreet report Beurs & economie, Carmage, Carmageddonddon, Housing Bust, Wolf Richter. Amerikaanse automarkt

Het Wolfstreet report kijkt vandaag naar wat op de beurzen gebeurt met aandelen die steeds grote bewegingen laten zien.

This Stock Market Is Coming Unglued Stock by Stock

Duur: 8:39 min.

Publicatie 27 februari

Volledige transcriptie van dit Wolfstreet report

The mayhem that has totally crushed one stock after another for a year breaks through the surface.

This stock market – meaning the stock jockeys, the trading algos, the hedge funds, and what is generally called Wall Street – was just brutal about how it pushed one stock after another to ridiculous highs after the Fed’s money-printing scheme flooded the land with liquidity, and the over-liquified crowd swooped in on any and every meme, no matter how ridiculous, and caused these stocks to spike by 200%, 300%, 1,000% and more, in the shortest amount of time.

And then in February 2021, one after the other, each on its own particular schedule, these stocks were abandoned and came unglued in bits and pieces, and by now their prices have collapsed by 60%, 70%, 80% and over 90%, from their respective spikes. These are well-known names.

What we’re looking at is how the greatest stock market bubble ever is coming unglued stock by stock, rather than all at once.

All these stocks that spiked by 200% or 500% or 1,000% were hyped out the wazoo, often in the social media, and their prices spiked in the shortest time, often multiplying in days. This craze started in March 2020, and peaked in February 2021, and then came unglued.


Verder lezen van deze transcriptie kan – onder de link – op Wolfstreet.

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