Almost Trees: Essential Tips for Nurturing Shrubs

Shrubs are a combination of trees and plants. They don’t grow as tall as trees and are a bit bigger than the usual plant height. However, shrubs can be one of the best additions to the landscape due to their beauty. Meanwhile, similar to trees and plants, shrubs also require specific care to last long. If you’re just starting your plant journey, you should know at least the basic information about, trees, shrubs, and plants. For one, an expert in trees is called an arborist, while in terms of shrubs and plants, you can consult a professional gardener or horticulturist. However, in this article, we’ll focus on the essential tips you should know about nurturing shrubs.

1. Understand Shrubs

Getting straight into planting shrubs can be complicated, especially if you don’t know anything about them. As mentioned, shrubs are a combination of trees and plants. They have multiple stems, are woody, and come in various colours, shapes, and sizes. Shrubs have many varieties, but the two main categories are deciduous and evergreen. While it seems it’s easy to decode the best ways to take care of shrubs from these two categories, it’s a lot more than that. However, as you explore more of the basic things to know about shrubs, you’ll have an idea of how they are.

2. Choose the Right Shrubs

Choosing the right shrubs for your landscape varies among many factors. Some of these include the weather, solid conditions, and other specific requirements. For instance, if the variety of shrubs you’ve chosen requires daily sunlight exposure, your location should always have enough sunlight. On the other hand, if you’re planning to place the shrubs indoors, choose the variety that is specifically for indoors, which doesn’t require regular sunlight exposure.

3. Planting Shrubs

When planting shrubs, you can ask your local nursery about the specific planting method. However, generally, you need to dig a hole around twice as wide as the rootball’s size, and the depth should just be a bit deeper than the rootball’s size. After that, amend the soil by mixing some compost to improve the nutrition of the soil. Next, plant the shrub, and cover it with the amended soil. Make sure the soil is neither too compact nor too loose to avoid problems later on. Lastly, water the shrub with the right amount just to rehydrate it.

4. Mulching and Watering Practises

When watering the shrubs, make sure to do it regularly to establish a good root system. Water them during cooler hours like around 6 AM to lock in the moisture. However, too much moisture can damage the roots, so don’t overwater them. Whether it’s too hot or too cold in your area, applying a layer of mulch can significantly help in maintaining the temperature of the roots. Meanwhile, as mentioned, you should also expose the shrub to sunlight, depending on its needs.

5. Pruning and Shaping

Once the shrub has an established root system and starts to grow, it’s time to improve its appearance and health. As you know, pruning isn’t just about reshaping the shrubs, trees, and plants, but is also a way to improve health. For instance, when you see some weak branches, it means it’s time for pruning. If you don’t address it immediately, it can affect the other branches and damage the whole shrub.

6. Fertilising

During the growing phase, shrubs need fertilisers to stay healthy. If you’re used to planting, you may already know some ways to improve the soil quality in your yard. However, if you’re a beginner, you should do some research and explore your fertiliser options. Keep in mind that not all types of fertilisers are beneficial to shrubs. If you happen to give the wrong fertilisers to your shrubs, it may negatively affect their growth. After all, too much of anything can also bring bad effects.

7. Pest and Disease Management

Are you aware of the common pests and diseases among shrubs? If not, then you should invest some time to learn how to control and prevent them. Focus on the non-chemical options when dealing with pests and diseases. For instance, if it’s possible to remove and dispose of the pests, without using harsh chemicals, you should opt for it first. Once you’re aware of the common pests and diseases among shrubs, do a regular inspection, and check if there are visible symptoms.

8. Seasonal Care

Shrubs require different care practises. The best time to plant, fertilise, and prune is during spring. In summer, water them regularly, monitor for pests and diseases, and apply mulch. Meanwhile, before the fall ends, don’t forget to add a layer of mulch as a preparation for winter. Lastly, in winter, protect the shrubs by devising some windbreakers.

Final Thoughts

Although these tips seem too much, they’re essential especially if you’re starting your planting journey. Besides, with proper care and commitment, you can see how rewarding your hard work can be in just a few months.      


Aliana Baraquio is a web content writer working for Sydney Tree Solutions, a company that provides tree removal and arborist services throughout Sydney. As a writer, she is passionate about providing good quality articles that help readers make the right choice.

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