Korte economische video – bedrijven & globalisatie, hoe, waar en door wie belasten?

globalisatie, belastingheffing

Maar al te vaak horen we dat bedrijven meer of eerlijker belasting moeten betalen. Maar de gewilde globalisatie bracht problemen.

When corporate income is taxed is it the shareholders who bear the cost, or do firms shift it on to workers via lower wages or onto consumers via higher prices. Is the money gained through the tax lost through knock-on disincentives to innovation and growth. In a globalised economy it is no longer clear who has the right to tax a company and how much they should expect them to pay. Rachel Griffith thinks that the current corporate tax system needs a rethink if it is to be made fit for modern times.

Duur: 3:57

Publicatie 30 juli