En zo schreed de beschaving voort … 132 – Migratiefilmpjes
Migratiefilmpjes, elke week minstens vijf, over het voortschrijden van onze beschaving. (Vrijwel) zonder verder commentaar.
Unless we start pulling these kids back from leftist indoctrination & teach them to be free thinkers, we are doomed. pic.twitter.com/flIKR8od7B
— TinaBob โ (@tinabobuk) July 30, 2018
Stupidity is a way of life! De bereidheid tot verantwoording van het kuddevolk is bedroevend.
๐โผ๐คฌ๐ฅ UK: Christians are not allowed to preach with Bible on the street. #TommyRobinson is not allowed to report from the court on Muslim grooming gangs. In both cases, they arrest you. But this enemies of democracy are allowed to roam the streets & spread their hate messages. pic.twitter.com/51KUDpGWJS
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 27, 2018
Pray! Practice what you preach, UK!
๐โผ๐คช๐ฆ Germany: You must see and hear that! Merkel-refugees complain about everything and everyone! Not a good accommodation, no good food, no love, and the highly qualified African ecotrophologists have found that in German water are WORMS! HAHA! Priceless! pic.twitter.com/mRrqDdmBn8
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
En zoals gewoonlijk is het onze schuld. Wat denken deze mensen nu eigenlijk?
๐โผ๐คฌ๐ฅ #Italy: This shit the Italians have to endure every day on their streets in #Naples. A horde of the usual illegal migrants beating each other in broad daylight on the street. Of course, not a single leftist politician who is responsible for these conditions lives here. pic.twitter.com/QNdFbBxtyf
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
Napels is er niet veiliger op geworden….
๐โผ๐ฎโโ๏ธ๐ด #Italy: CCTV shows the moment when a Somali migrant attacks 2 policemen at the station in #Turin with a fork, after which one of the policemen who wanted to protect his colleague shot the attacker in the legs. No investigation against the cops, attacker in jail! pic.twitter.com/ANtBMEe5cO
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) August 2, 2018
Italiรซ in zijn geheel trouwens evenmin…
๐โผ๐ฏ๐ฅ #Spain: The holiday season 2018! The next illegal inflatable ferry has arrived! While European vacationers enjoy their beach vacation, the next invasion boat lands on the beach with illegal migrants. This is a full-blown invasion. No more and no less! pic.twitter.com/0fxGXtOFLi
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
Hoe begon de invasie? Nou, er waren landingen, en we deden er niets tegen…
๐โผ๐ฏ๐ฉ Meanwhile in socialist and refugee friendly Spain. Illegal migrants are attacking Spanish police, who are fleeing immediately. Imagine these people will eventually be in the majority! The next shithole is installed! pic.twitter.com/RhmOXaGZZR
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) August 1, 2018
En dan krijg je situaties die vergelijkbaar zijn met die in Italiรซ. En het gaat altijd maar door, met voortdurende zelfde fouten die oneindig worden herhaald:
Barcelona, Plaรงa de Catalunya
cultural enrichment… pic.twitter.com/D4YUfGlhko
— Oh boy what a shot (@ohboywhatashot) August 2, 2018
Wat Churchill zou hebben gezegd over vechten op pleinen? Dat dat komt nadat het vechten op de stranden verloren is, neem ik aan…
๐โผ๐คฌ๐ฅ #Germany: This is the city #Gelsenkirchen in the city district Horst. Frightening scenes are offered to the residents, wild brawl on the open road in broad daylight. It's the same all over the world, no matter where these people live, they will make a shithole out of it. pic.twitter.com/4teJvjtFWy
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
Shitholes komen naar je toe deze zomer. in de slipstream van de assholes die er aan gewend zijn zo te leven.
๐โผ๐คฌ๐ฅ #Spain: Are these refugees or conquerors? The illegal invaders shout, "Victory, you racist bastards." pic.twitter.com/80Kc7mX0qt
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
๐โผ๐คช๐ฎโโ๏ธ UK: a normal British police patrol in the culturally sensitive district. pic.twitter.com/skN3gt9qAF
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
Gezag. Wat zou daar ook al weer mee bedoeld worden, en hoe kreeg men dat vroeger?
๐โผ๐คชโจ #Israel: Record Instant Karma! An Arab worker cursed a Jewish woman and immediately received the receipt from a listener. pic.twitter.com/G0ymLfrdFt
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 30, 2018
O ja, dat helpt wel. Die gedraagt zich een volgende keer gegarandeerd netter.
๐โผ๐ฌ๐ฅ #Spain: What an idyllic setting on the #Torrevieja waterfront, where illegal African migrants attack and throw chairs at Spanish policemen, and what do the police do? They stay anxious and passive! What a shame. New predicate: the next Shithole! pic.twitter.com/aXviiMa3sc
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) July 29, 2018
Zijn deze mensen ook welkom? En wie gaat ze onderdak verschaffen?? Spoiler: U gaat er in ieder geval voor betalen, houd daar maar alvast rekening mee!
Als it u deprimeer, besef dan dat de gewoonten van deze mensen met henzelf mee steeds verder noordwaarts oprukken – als u politici niet helpt een ruggengraat te ontwikkelen. Zelf kunnen ze dat niet.
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