Economisch kort – Lacalle over GameStop

housing bubble, Economisch kort

In Economisch Kort deze week de analyse van Daniel Lacalle over de ophef op WallStreet over de actie van kleine beleggers met behulp van GameStop.

If small investors believe part of the market is rigged and some people in Wall Street undertake illegal activities… Why do these so-called Robin Hood platforms decide to do things that are borderline illegal if not exactly the same as what they accuse others of doing?

You don’t fight illegal activities with more illegal conduct.

If you hate it when somebody tries to pump and dump a stock… why would anyone incentivise it?

Duur: 5:58 min.

Publicatie 29 januari

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1 reactie

  1. Dick Kraaij schreef:

    Is wat de hedge funds doen illegaal? Reminder: da’s iets anders dan immoreel, hè…