De financiële crisis – Series on recession and financial crisis
Registratie van een discussie aan het Hoover Institute (Stanford University) naar aanleiding van het moment dat het begin van de grote financiële crisis tien jaar in het verleden ligt.
Publicatie 13 december
Over the last few weeks we have had a series of discussions at Hoover on the 10th anniversary of the financial crisis and recession. This all happened mostly due to the energy of John Taylor.
The final event on Friday Dec 7 was a Panel Discussion Summary, including Taylor, Shultz, Ferguson, Hoxby, Duffie, and myself, with question and answer. Click the above video.
This was preceded by four smaller discussions. We did not video them, but there are transcripts and presentation materials.
October 19, The causes. (Follow links to a transcript and to the presentation slides.) John Taylor and Monika Piazzesi present and learn discussion on the causes of the financial crisis, emphasizing monetary policy, regulation, and housing.
November 9 The Panic What happened on in the panic of August through November (or so) 2018? Did the actions of government officials help or hurt? Or both? George Shultz and Niall Ferguson present their views and lead the discussion.
December 7 The Recession. Why was the recession so deep? Why wasn’t it deeper, repeating the Great Recession? Why did it last so long? Did fiscal stimulus help or hurt? Caroline Hoxby and John Taylor led, focusing on labor markets and stimulus. I added some comments on QE and the lessons of the long zero bound for monetary economics; Bob Hall comments on labor markets and unemployment, Mike Boskin comments on stimulus, and much more
December 7 also, Lessons for Financial Regulation. Darrell Duffie and me. Darrell summarizes his excellent “Prone to Fail.” I expound on the need for more capital.
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