Daniël Lacalle – Debt is not a Reserve Asset
Econoom Daniël Lacalle stelt harde vragen over de alsmaar groeiende schuldenberg. Wereldwijd is er thans drie keer zoveel schuld als onderliggende waarde.
Het bizarre argument dat schulden besparingen creëren wordt hier op vernietigende wijze onderuit gehaald, en aan de kaak gesteld als de drogredenering die het is.
“Is public debt irrelevant because private savings cover it? Is debt an asset that creates savings and growth? Can we borrow as much as we want if we have a low borrowing cost? In this video, I dismantle some of the fallacies surrounding the perfect monetary storm in which it seems we are. ”
Upside-down economics’ defenders say that deficits create savings. The process never starts with deficit spending, but with the assets and wealth of the economy, which can be leveraged only to a certain extent and never decided by the borrower but the lenders. Borrowing is never the first step neither endless.
Saying that governments issue financial assets that create savings is as incorrect as believing that a company that constantly issues shares generates wealth. Diluting wealth is not the creation of savings.
Deficit spending is borrowing. Either it destroys the citizen’s savings via inflation monetizing the deficit or destroy it with higher taxes in the future. Deficit spending is not “supplying a good” but extracting others’ wealth (via higher taxes or inflation in the future).
If deficit spending created citizen savings global debt would be zero. Complete nonsense. Deficit spending does not create savings, it extracts future and current wealth via inflation or higher taxation in the future. Government deficit spending confiscates private wealth.
Publicatie 13 januari
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Heel goed artikel.
De fundamenten van de economie.
Het probleem is dat er geld uitgeleend mag worden dat er niet is.
Het is m.i. een vorm van rechtsongelijkheid dat banken geld mogen creëren uit het niets en daarover aansluitend rente mogen berekenen aan hun crediteuren, terwijl ik (of wie dan ook) dat niet mag.