Crash course Russische geschiedenis

Russische geschiedenis

Rusland wordt ons dagelijks in allerlei kleuren geschilderd, maar van de Russische geschiedenis weten we welbeschouwd extreem weinig. De video vandaag is een eerste overzicht, dat we van plan zijn nog wat uit te breiden.

In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved from a loose amalgamation of medieval principalities known as the Kievan Rus into the thriving democracy we know today. As you can imagine, there were a few bumps along the road. It turns out, our old friends the Mongols had quite a lot to do with unifying Russia. In yet another example of how surprisingly organized nomadic raiders can be, the Mongols brought the Kievan Rus together under a single leadership, and concentrated power in Moscow. This set the stage for the various Ivans (the Great and the Terrible) to throw off the yoke and form a pan-Russian nation ruled by an autocratic leader. More than 500 years later, we still have autocratic leadership in Russia. All this, plus a rundown of some of our favorite atrocities of Ivan the Terrible, and a visit from Putin!

Duur: slechts 10:46