Brexit – What happens to banking in London?

Een audioverslag van een gesprek tussen Patricia Jackson en interviewer Bod Denham over de te verwachten gevolgen van Brexit voor banking in the City of London, nu de eerste paniekaanval voorbij is en de tijd gekomen lijkt er wat rustiger op te reageren.
Would losing passporting really be a crisis for the City? Or could the finance sector find a way around newly-imposed restrictions? Bob Denham (Econ Films) asks Patricia Jackson (Atom, Ernst & Young) about the attractiveness of London, the likelihood of a mass exodus and the future of British banking & finance.
Duur: 14:04 min.
Gelijktijdig verschenen artikel door Patricia Jackson over ditzelfde onderwerp:
The Brexit vote has created particular uncertainty for London, the EU’s largest financial centre. This column looks at the issues facing the UK’s banking sector in the wake of the referendum: the right to conduct cross-border activity in the EU in future, the impact on flexible recruitment in London, the possibility of diverging UK and EU regulation, and the effect on bank profitability more widely across Europe.