Human Action – Part One – with David Gordon

Ludwg von Mises, Human Action
Ludwg von Mises, Human Action

Human Action van Ludwig von Mises behoort tot de belangrijkste werken van de 20e-eeuwse economische wetenschap. In deze serie wordt de inhoud verkend.

In the second installment of our series on Mises’s Human Action, Dr. David Gordon joins the show to walk us through Part One. The beginning of the book is considered its most “philosophical” material, where Mises lays out the basics of praxeology and epistemology as fundamental to understanding economics.

Dr. Gordon and host Jeff Deist consider each of the book’s first seven chapters, with topics including: Mises’s categories of action and causality, a priori disciplines, polylogism, “felt uneasiness,” value and preferences, praxeology as it relates to time and uncertainty, probability and its application to human action, and the nature of production.

If you’ve wanted to read Human Action, this is your opportunity to hear it explained by great economists and scholars!

Duur: 1:10:35

Publicatie 6 maart

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Contact Jeff Deist

Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute. He previously worked as chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul, and as an attorney for private equity clients. Contact: email; twitter.

Contact David Gordon

David Gordon is Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute, and editor of The Mises Review.

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1 reactie

  1. Cool Pete schreef:

    Gelukkig zijn er economische vrijdenkers, en denkers die diepgang aanbrengen, door de [ economische ] geschiedenis te willen begrijpen.