Vermindert beter onderwijs misdadigheid? En waarom?

onderwijs, lerarentekort grote steden, Passend onderwijs, Theodore Dalrymple
onderwijs, lerarentekort grote steden, Passend onderwijs, Theodore Dalrymple

Vermindert beter onderwijs misdadigheid? Het is de stellige overtuiging van Prof. Stephen Machin, hoogleraar economie aan de London School of Economics.


We know that increasing the school leaving age cuts crime, but why? Is it because kids who are most likely to commit crimes are learning things that make them more employable, or is just because they’re off the streets? Tim Phillips talks to Steve Machin of the LSE about new research into the importance of these effects.

Stephen Machin interviewed by Tim Phillips

Duur: 11:57

Publicatie 26 oktober