Nasleep USA2016 – “I think it is the end of Keynesianism”

nasleep USA2016

De nasleep USA2016 en de door weinigen verwachte zege van Donald Trump levert velen munitie voor speculaties. Jeff Deist with Ron Paul on the 2016 Election and Why the Mainstream Media is Losing.

In this interview with the Ron Paul Liberty Report, Jeff Deist takes a look at the mainstream media, the 2016 election, and why an economic bust cannot be avoided with just more government manipulation of the economy:

We’ve come to the end of this idea that we can resuscitate the patient with more of the same: more credit more debt, more money. What we need is more productivity. More actual production, more goods and services in the economy. I think it is the end of Keynesianism.

Deist also discusses Trump’s new administration appointments and the chances that anything, structurally, will change in Washington with the Trump administration.

Duur: 22:29