Wolfstreet report – Is er een deal tussen FED en Trump?

Wolfstreet report,Het Wolfstreet report van deze week behandelt het effect van de Everything Bubble. EenWolfstreet report Beurs & economie, Carmage, Carmageddonddon, Housing Bust, Wolf Richter. Amerikaanse automarkt

De strijd tussen de FED en president Trump lijkt op een aantal punten afgenomen. Hoe dat te bezien, en wat is de betekenis?

Has the Fed Made a Deal with Trump?

Despite intense public pressure from President Trump, the Fed is getting increasingly hawkish on interest rates and the QE unwind. But in another, even more important area, the Fed has totally caved. Has the Fed made a deal with Trump? Like: We rule over here, and in return, you get what you want over there?

Their “Everything Bubble” is being pricked “gradually,” and they don’t like it.

Duur: 12:06

Publicatie 11 november

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