Wolf Richter on the “Apocalypse Version” of the Keiser Report – Black Friday en achtergronden

Keyser report

Met Black Friday net achter de rug weten we in Nederland nu ook wat dat betekent. Maar wat speelt er op de economische achtergrond? Veel van wat er achter de blije façade van de uitverkoop en de aanstaande kerstverkopen plaatsvindt is doffe ellende.

Here I am on the “apocalypse version of the Keiser Report” as Max Keiser called it hilariously at the end, based on what he had said. We poke into housing bubbles, how much further they might go, into the distortions of Silicon Valley, and into the retail sector, this being the beginning of shopping season.

Het hele programma vindt u hier, en is circa 25:40 inclusief reclames.

Keiser Report: ‘Putting America first’

Max and Stacy discuss Trump making friends by ignoring human rights and ‘putting America first.’ They look at mortality rates in the US lagging further and further behind 35 other industrialized nations in the past forty years while human rights abroad rather than at home became the number one priority. In the second half, Max interviews Dan Collins of about China 2025 and Donald Trump’s soft power in the region.

Duur: 12:59

Publicatie 24 november

Wolf Richter on the “Apocalypse Version” of the Keiser Report