The origins of tech clusters

Tech clusters, hacks

Tech clusters zijn de droom van ieder stadsbestuur. Kluwens techbedrijfjes tezamen geven een hoogwaardig werkklimaak, en dat vinden steden fijn. Maar hoe ontstaat zo’n kluwen?

Why are cities so keen to create their own technology clusters, and why is it so difficult? Bill Kerr of Harvard Business School tells Tim Phillips what economists know (and don’t know) about where tech clusters come from.

William Kerr interviewed by Tim Phillips

Duur: 27:23 min.

Publicatie 31 januari

Professor at Harvard Business School

1 reactie

  1. Cool Pete schreef:

    “Complex systems” are a problem – because they are too complex.

    Planning ‘high tech hubs’ is useless.
    You cannot create market [ endlessly ].
    There has to be a demand and a need, a benefit.
    The benefit is decided by all people.

    Economies and societies can only work and build : bottom up.
    Never : top down.