Interview – de Ierse bankencrisis 2009 in retrospectief

Ierse bankencrisis, saneren van banken

De Ierse bankencrisis is in retrospectief een traumatische gebeurtenis geweest. Toenmalig bankgouverneur Patrick Honohan heeft zijn ervaringen er mee nu te boek gesteld.

Patrick Honohan took over as governor of the Central Bank of Ireland in 2009 with the economy in meltdown, and steered it through its deepest crisis. His new book re-examines what happened, and lessons for future crises. Tim Phillips talks to Patrick and the FT’s Martin Sandbu about what policymakers and central bankers can learn from Ireland’s ordeal.

Duur: 20:15

Publicatie 27 september

Professor, Trinity College Dublin; Nonresident Senior Fellow; Peterson Institute for International Economics; CEPR Research Fellow

Economics Leader Writer, Financial Times
