All roads lead to Rome – the persistence of public goods provision in economic development

Sections of lead pipes of Roman aqueducts. Large lead pipes had printed on them the name of the manufacturer. If the aqueduct provided water to Rome they carried the name of the emperor. On these we can read Aureli Cesaris, for emperor Marcus Aurelius. --- Image by © Vanni Archive/CORBIS

De economische infrastructuur, van Rome en het Romeinse Rijk, die 2000 jaar geleden ontstond is nog steeds herkenbaar als onderliggend patroon in veel zaken die we tegenwoordig als modern beschouwen. Een interview.

Recent evidence suggests that infrastructure put in place by the Roman empire over 2,000 years ago might have lasting economic consequences to this day. In this Vox Talks, Tim Phillips talks to Pablo Selaya about his recent research on the persistence of historical public goods provision, in the form of road network development in Roman times. The specific features of these roads – originally built for military access into newly-conquered territories – meant the transport network grew to be uniquely extensive and efficient, with lasting benefits for economic development.

Pablo Selaya interviewed by Tim Phillips

Duur: 12:03

Publicatie 25 mei